Increasing Staff Productivity at Fortescue Zero Head Quarters

Fortescue Zero are experts in electrification and battery technology, aerodynamics and thermodynamics.



The Brief

To create a sustainable office planting solution that matches the company’s goal to be Real Zero by 2030.



The Solution 

A moss wall with a lovely combination of flat moss with reindeer moss and bun moss and incorporating the company branding. Together with ceiling hanging foliage this is a planting combo that was bound to create a high impact result. Selecting a planting solution that is focused on not only being aesthetically pleasing but also low-maintenance and ideally suited to the office environment.



The Result

A striking and bold masterpiece representing what the company’s striving for. A calming and nature infused office space. Every corner of the office space is adorned with carefully selected plants, strategically placed to create a harmonious balance between aesthetics and functionality. Lush greenery and vibrant blooms bring the beauty of the outdoors in, creating an environment that not only nurtures creativity but also enhances overall wellbeing.The presence of biophilic design has been proven to enhance productivity by reducing stress, improving air quality, and fostering a sense of well-being among employees.

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